Team Members Archive - Page 2 of 2 - Elevation

Elevation Communication Agency Image Laurent Baiettini Art Director Washington DC

Laurent Baiettini

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Art Director

I come from an artistically-inclined Swiss family: my father painted and sculpted throughout his life, my mother is a writer, my uncle has designed retail display windows and dabbled in interior decoration.

After I moved to the U.S. in my early 20s I felt the same creative drive, so I fueled my passion at the Corcoran Institute and fell in love with the newly burgeoning field of digital design. After several years of freelancing and working in the photography industry I found my second home with the Elevation family.

Working with this international cast of creative pros is an inspiration every day, one that pushes me to strive for precision and passion in everything we deliver to our clients. In my spare time, I plot to completely turn my two-car garage into a fully functioning wood shop to feed my woodworking habit.


(202) 380-3238


Michael Tinati

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Director of Strategic Planning

I love a good mystery. I love taking a client’s business and dissecting it, looking for clues to the story they’re not telling. Unraveling the complexity that entangles all organizations, sifting through the details, and then finding that thread of truth – it’s a big part of what we do. Yet the real thrill in finding the truths within their story is that we can then begin to work together to cobble a meaningful path forward for them. Apart from work, my other big love is team sports. I’ve played them, coached them, and watched a lot of them. Team sports demand that each player leaves their ego at the door, gives it their best effort, and remembers that no one can do it alone. All of that translates perfectly to what I do; and it might also explain one of my favorite quotes: “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” (Michael Jordan)


Elevation Communication Agency Image Cecilia Hernandez Washington DC

Cecilia Hernandez

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Human Resource Manager

With an academic and career background in administration, Cecilia celebrates +18 years of experience in Office Management, Human Resources, and Accounting. She has worked both with the private sector and government agencies. At Elevation, Cecilia contributes to the development and implementation of the agency’s policies and procedures, manages and oversees the administration of HR policies, programs, and practices within the Washington-DC-based advertising agency.  Ceci shares with every good listener how much she enjoys hiking, making jewelry, traveling to her motherland, El Salvador, and spending time with her dogs – Valentino & Snow -. She is the one with the greatest smile and the most contagious laugh at the office. And, as Eleanor Roosevelt would say, she is the person using her head to handle herself and her heart to handle others.


(202) 380-3230