This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the U.S. Border Patrol, an agency with a vast and challenging mission and a workforce that embodies honor, commitment, and courage. For nearly 20 years, the Elevation team has had the unique privilege of working alongside many of these dedicated men and women.
How did that happen? In 2004, the U.S. Border Patrol gave a small, passionate Hispanic creative agency (yes, Elevation!) a golden opportunity…The chance to develop a campaign to dissuade migrants from making the deadly trek across the Southern border. Our award-winning work on No Mas Cruces en la Frontera (“No more crossings/crosses on the border”) ran consistently throughout Mexico and the U.S. for more than a decade.
Not only was that campaign a singular success, but it also opened doors to many other initiatives and a magical alliance and friendship we value immensely. We proudly continue on the path of cultivating our own deep expertise and commitment to the significant issues addressed by the U.S. Border Patrol mission.
It is not a stretch to say that were it not for the U.S. Border Patrol, Elevation would not be the agency we are today.
We raise a glass to 100 years and celebrate all the men and women who have served U.S. Border Patrol past and present. And we thank you for that service.
Honor First!